DIY guitar hooks
Luke plays guitar a lot. (He's really good, I mean he's really good you guys) He plays for our church and has a lot of equipment for said guitars. The studio is half my space with my desk and half guitar space. We've been wanting a place to display his guitars we DIY'd one this weekend.
We headed to lowes Friday night (why do all of our date nights end at lowes?) and found these cool hooks for about $5 apiece (they were 2" spread) in the garage organization area / and we picked up a 1x4 piece of wood and some spray paint.
The guitar hook was going to go in between a window and a door casement in the studio so Luke cut down the 1x4 to the right length and I painted that bad boy. Rowan helped obviously.
I used this valspar color.
You will want to make sure you screw this into studs. We screwed it into 4 studs which might have been a little overkill. Then we putty'd over the screws and sprayed to cover for a clean look.
To make sure we didn't get any spray paint on the wall when we touched up the screw holes put some paper on either side for the overspray.
We headed to lowes Friday night (why do all of our date nights end at lowes?) and found these cool hooks for about $5 apiece (they were 2" spread) in the garage organization area / and we picked up a 1x4 piece of wood and some spray paint.
The guitar hook was going to go in between a window and a door casement in the studio so Luke cut down the 1x4 to the right length and I painted that bad boy. Rowan helped obviously.
I used this valspar color.
You will want to make sure you screw this into studs. We screwed it into 4 studs which might have been a little overkill. Then we putty'd over the screws and sprayed to cover for a clean look.
To make sure we didn't get any spray paint on the wall when we touched up the screw holes put some paper on either side for the overspray.
Overall it cost us about $20 which is the normal cost of one guitar hook. Not bad!