the new house / Renovation Progress

We have been working away on the new house and things are finally getting close to being done. Its taken us longer then we thought, my sister got married last weekend so we were busy with wedding stuff the past month (so much fun!) but it pushed the house back a little bit. But we are painting kitchen cabinets and installing tile (!!!) and its finally coming together. Happy dance. 
Laundry room. Major heart eyes for our laundry room / kitchen tile. The laundry room is tucked away into a corner of the kitchen. The studs you see are the new fridge built in. 

Before green walls. 

And after. Clean white walls and new gold flushmounts. ( I used this DIY from the Hunted Interior. Kristin can do no wrong)

Waiting for cabinet paint and wall paint. And tile. And new countertops and sink. And new appliances. yikes. Used these super affordable CB2 flush mounts that Brittany Makes used in her amazing kitchen. 
The new fridge inset. HUGE improvement from where it was originally. 
You can see the before location of the fridge in the above picture. It cut the space in half and stuck out so far it felt claustrophobic. 
You can see how open it is now (cue the birds singing). I'm playing around with adding a peninsula thus the makeshift peninsula out of our old ikea island. 
 I did a bleached jute rug for the twins room and I LOVE it. It was set up for my sister getting ready for her wedding, thus the no baby furniture. 
So that is where we are right now- hopefully I'll have a painted cabinets and tile post coming soon. :-)