Life as a family of 5

Photo by Sophie Brendle Photography

Well its been a while hasn't it? But we have been in a really sweet (busy!) season adjusting to a family of 5. Wren was born last September and has added to our family in the most beautiful way. She has been laid back since birth and just smiles all day. She loves watching her big sisters and saves her biggest smiles for them. She rolls all over the place now and loves real food- time slow down! 

I thought I would talk about some of the highlights from our lives the past few months. Keep in mind these are just the highlights, there have been lots of hard things and I don't want anyone to think that we don't live real life over here. We have had scary hospital stays for RSV for Wren, lots of sickness for everyone in the family, recovering from a csection for me and more loads of laundry than I can count. 

Photo by Sophie Brendle Photography

The twins will be 4 this summer and are just in the most fun stage ever. Everything they say is hilarious and Luke and I have to try to keep a straight face when they try to talk us out of cleaning their toys. "I don't need to clean my toys momma, they are taking a little break." Also when kids get to a point when they can go potty by themselves and put on their own shoes its a whole new world. 

Photo by  Sophie Brendle Photography

We took a break from most house projects this past fall with the new addition of Wren but we are gearing up to work on some exterior projects this spring, including new modern porch skirting, painting most of the trim on the exterior and new DIY shutters. I'm working on a post with more info on that. 

Photo by Sophie Brendle Photography

In lieu of maternity or newborn pictures, we had Sophie come over when Wren was about 6 weeks to take some family shots. I treasure the photos she took and finally printed some out to update our gallery wall with so Wren would be in some. (Third child problems.)

Photo by Sophie Brendle Photography

Being more home-bound with an infant who takes lots of naps, we have been using this time to clean out and purge and it feels SO GOOD. Since we moved in this house 3 years ago the closets have always seemed overwhelming and just piled with stuff. Not anymore. We have been taking it closet by closet a week at a time mixed in with more concentrated time a few rainy Saturdays and that more laid back approach has really worked for us. 

A bucket list item happened for me this year, one of my photos was featured in Better Homes and Gardens! They featured a picture of Wren's nursery for their #BHGCelebrate feed. A pinch me moment for sure!

Luke and I also took Wren to France a few weeks ago! Luke had a work trip in the South of France so Wren and I tagged along. We went to his conference and spent a few days in Paris as well. I have a post coming of where we stayed and what we did and how we survived a 9 hour flight with a non-sleeping 6 month old. Spoiler alert, not gracefully. 

After taking a year off building swings with me being pregnant, we are finally building them again locally in Greenville SC! They fit a twin sized mattress and are so comfy! We live on ours most of the spring/summer/fall taking a break for pollen and 100 degree weather. There is a link on the right of the blog to more information, or click here.

Photo by Sophie Brendle Photography

I'll be back posting soon about our summer renovation plans, our France trip and some other fun things we have in the works. I am a lot more active on Instagram so check out my link on the right of the blog or (@acreativedayblog).
